Mattie Alderink


Mattie Alderink

You know when you ask God for something and he completely shows up and out-shines any hopes or expectations you had?

These girls are that for me. 

Over the last year I felt God telling me that this was a season to focus on friendships and to learn what it takes to be a good friend. 

I was meagerly asking God for friends who loved Him and who might be in close proximity to my extraordinarily busy life. 

Literally out of nowhere these two popped into my life. It took a time of being uncomfortable, and leaning into a new grow group. It took hard work and intentionality in texting each other, hanging out and keeping up.

I would’ve settled for decent friends, but instead God brought me girls who are running for ministry just as hard (probably harder) as I am. Friends with gigantic talent and callings over their lives. Gals who check in on me, and who go out of their way for me.

When God was showing me what it would take to learn the lesson of being a good friend, I didn’t want to learn it. I wanted to be in a relationship with a man and find groups of couple friends to do couples things with. Single friends who would take up more of my time were honestly of little interest to me. I knew what i wanted and I was focused.....just not on God’s plan. 

But God refocused me and asked me to lean into that season. I did, and it brought the greatest reward. Deep, lifelong friendships that I needed so badly even if I didn’t know it. Would I still like to be in a relationship? Yeah but when it’s right. I’m holding out for the right thing. Because God showed me I’m ENOUGH for friends who care for me and who love me. Who meet me at 7am for coffee or call to chat at 11pm even if we see each other almost everyday…and if he exceeded my expectations with friends I know he’s going to do it with my future husband. I thought i knew what i needed, but what i really needed was friends who would be real. Who would challenge, who would run alongside me. We’ll do that for each other through singleness and when we’re in relationships. 

And I’ve learned that when we lean into the places God has us—because we’re never there by accident—we’re far more blessed. Leaning into uncomfortable places or seasons you didn’t want to go through isn’t fun. But if it’s where God needs us, it’s a sacrifice. And we will NEVER out-sacrifice God. His return will ALWAYS be greater.

The year I gave to focus on building lifelong friendships will be far greater than a year of return. Not only do I get these girls for life, but it sows the seed that if He came through on this, what more might he come through on? It’s just going to keep getting bigger and better.